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PHOWN species summary

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See published breeding information below the map.

Dark-backed Weaver Ploceus bicolor

(species text)

PHOWN priorities: none yet

Most recent PHOWN record for this species (recent thumbnails and full species listing at end of this web page):

Vm 31021

No of records in PHOWN for this species: 114

Colony size

Colony size for this species in PHOWN (min - mean - max, sample size) and published data:
PHOWN Handbook of the Birds of the World, Vol. 15
1 - 1.1 - 3 (n=87)Solitary nester; pair usually in same area each year, so that two or three nests may be found close together
Compare colony sizes of different weaver species with this species here.

Nest site

Type of nest site for this species in PHOWN:
man-made - 1
other - 1
tree - 108

Breeding seasonality

PHOWN Records per month for this species


Handbook of the Birds of the World, Vol. 15
Nov-Dec on Bioko, Dec-Jan in Cameroon; in DRCongo, Feb-May and Sept-Dec in S and Jan-Feb in Itombwe; Aug-Sept in Somalia; Apr and Aug in Kenya (but Mar-May and Jul-Aug at Kakamega Forest); Dec-Jan in Tanzania; Aug, Oct-Nov and Feb in Angola, Sept-Dec in Zambia, Oct-Mar in Malawi, Sept-Feb in Zimbabwe, Sept-Dec in Mozambique, and Oct-Jan in South Africa

Figure above right: breeding seasonality shown as records per month (if available), where months are numbered from January where January=1 etc.
The records are grouped into 6 regions: Safr=southern Africa, Cafr=central Africa, Wafr=western Africa, Eafr=eastern Africa, Asia=southern Asia, IO=Indian Ocean islands
Read more about these figures here.

Breeding distribution

Google map of records for this species (you may need to zoom out to see all records)

Google map showing distribution and PHOWN records for the weaver species.
Yellow areas show distribution of the species; for species with small ranges you need to zoom in at the correct area to see the range. Read more about these maps here.
PHOWN pin colours show Nest site type:
- Reed
- Tree
- Man-made
- Other
- Nest Record Cards
CLICK on the marker on the map to see individual record details.

Published breeding information

Breeding information based on Handbook of the Birds of the World, Vol. 15.

Monogamous, pair-bond lasting for several years
Nov-Dec on Bioko, Dec-Jan in Cameroon; in DRCongo, Feb-May and Sept-Dec in S and Jan-Feb in Itombwe; Aug-Sept in Somalia; Apr and Aug in Kenya (but Mar-May and Jul-Aug at Kakamega Forest); Dec-Jan in Tanzania; Aug, Oct-Nov and Feb in Angola, Sept-Dec in Zambia, Oct-Mar in Malawi, Sept-Feb in Zimbabwe, Sept-Dec in Mozambique, and Oct-Jan in South Africa
supended 2.5-15 m (most often 4.5-6 m) above ground from tip of branch or creeper, often in thorny tree, on Zanzibar also suspended from telephone line
Both partners may build nest, usually one member of pair, presumed to be male, does most building while partner perches nearby
Solitary nester; pair usually in same area each year, so that two or three nests may be found close together
2-4 eggs (average 3 in South Africa)
pure white, pale blue, pink or greenish-white, sparsely spotted with brown, red and lilac
average size of 54 eggs 22.7 x 15.4 mm (South Africa)
in captivity, incubation by both sexes, estimated period 15-17 days
chicks fed by both male and female, nestling period 22 days; fledglings fed occasionally until 6 weeks old

Thumb-nails of most recent PHOWN records

Click on one to see its full record

Vm 31021

Vm 30908

Vm 30419

Vm 30409

Vm 30408

Vm 30065

Vm 30064

Vm 29963

Vm 29957

Vm 29757

Vm 29756

Vm 29754

Vm 29753

Vm 29752

Vm 29751

Vm 29750

Vm 29381

Vm 29295

List of all PHOWN records for this species

Click on one to see its full record
4, 2008-11-4,1,South Africa, Southport, Valley Rd, betw plots 771/768, Oschadleus HD, tree
5, 2009-7-19,1,South Africa, Southport, Valley Rd, betw plots 771/768, Oschadleus HD, tree
6, 2009-12-9,1,South Africa, Southport, Valley Rd, betw plots 771/768, Oschadleus HD, tree
351, 2010-11-19,1,South Africa, Twinstreams, beach path, Oschadleus HD, tree
863, 2011-7-11,1,South Africa, Amangwe forest, 2836.356S 3207.018E, Oschadleus HD, tree
1121, 2011-9-5,1,South Africa, Nature Reserve, Wilson C., tree
1908, 2012-2-8,1,South Africa, Amangwe forest 2836.356S 3207.018E, Oschadleus HD, tree
1935, 2011-12-29,1,South Africa, Umdoni Park Forest, Brown M, tree
2009, 2011-12-24,1,South Africa, Holbeck section, Mbona Private Nature Reserve, New Hanover district, Nuttall R.J, tree
2010, 2011-12-26,1,South Africa, Holbeck section, Mbona Private Nature Reserve, New Hanover district, Nuttall R.J, tree
2011, 2011-12-30,1,South Africa, Holbeck section, Mbona Private Nature Reserve, New Hanover district, Nuttall R.J, tree
2419, 2012-6-3,1,Kenya, Arabuko-Sokoke forest, Oschadleus HD; Jonathan Baya, tree
2420, 2012-6-3,1,Kenya, Arabuko-Sokoke forest, my col 22, Oschadleus HD; Jonathan Baya, tree
2421, 2012-6-3,1,Kenya, Arabuko-Sokoke forest, my col 23, Oschadleus HD; Jonathan Baya, tree
2422, 2012-6-3,1,Kenya, Arabuko-Sokoke forest, my col 24, Oschadleus HD; Jonathan Baya, tree
2807, 2012-8-11,1,Mozambique, Lebombo Ironwood forest , Marais E, tree
2811, 2012-9-1,1,South Africa, domestic garden in coastal forest, Zaloumis, Alex, tree
2815, 2012-9-1,1,South Africa, isimangoliso , Zaloumis, Alex, tree
2820, 2012-9-2,1,South Africa, parking lot , Zaloumis, Alex, tree
2821, 2012-9-2,1,South Africa, near cape vidal shop. , Zaloumis, Alex, tree
2822, 2012-9-2,1,South Africa, road approaching cape vidal , Zaloumis, Alex, tree
2823, 2012-9-2,1,South Africa, dune drive, Zaloumis, Alex, tree
2824, 2012-9-2,1,South Africa, mfazana hide pathway , Zaloumis, Alex, tree
2849, 2012-8-20,1,Kenya, on edge of Arabuko-Sokoke Forest - near start of Gede forest station nature trail, Jackson C, tree
2850, 2012-9-4,1,South Africa, St Lucia area , Zaloumis, Alex, tree
3119, 2012-9-30,1,Zimbabwe, Vumba; Seldomseen, Hart Nick, man-made
4148, 2012-11-3,1,South Africa, Nsumo Pan Mkhuzi GR, Strachan Trish, tree
4167, 2012-11-30,0,South Africa, isimangoliso , Zaloumis, Alex, tree
4168, 2012-11-30,1,South Africa, near cape vidal shop , Zaloumis, Alex, tree
4169, 2012-11-30,1,South Africa, over the road to mission rocks, Zaloumis, Alex, tree
4170, 2012-11-30,1,South Africa, Cape vidal road on bend , Zaloumis, Alex, tree
4171, 2012-11-30,1,South Africa, grassland loop road before lagoon , Zaloumis, Alex, tree
4172, 2012-11-30,1,South Africa, dune drive, Zaloumis, Alex, tree
4173, 2012-12-1,1,South Africa, View point, Zaloumis, Alex, tree
4174, 2012-12-1,1,South Africa, viewpoint parking Mission rocks , Zaloumis, Alex, tree
4175, 2012-12-1,1,South Africa, next to staff compound near Mission Rocks admin , Zaloumis, Alex, tree
4178, 2012-12-2,1,South Africa, isimangoliso, Zaloumis, Alex, tree
4298, 2012-12-10,1,South Africa, viewpoint parking Mission rocks, Zaloumis, Alex, tree
4299, 2012-12-8,1,South Africa, andrews garden, mission rocks, Zaloumis, Alex, tree
5243, 2013-3-1,0,South Africa, Umhlanga Sands, GRIESEL R, tree
5320, 2013-3-27,0,Mozambique, Caravan Park near Praia de Sol, Cronje Pieter, tree
5321, 2013-3-28,1,Mozambique, Praia de Sol, Cronje Pieter, tree
7393, 2013-10-20,1,Zambia, Kasanka NP; Pontoon Camp, Hart N, tree
8077, 2013-12-26,1,South Africa, andrews garden, mission rocks, Zaloumis, Alex, tree
9110, 2013-11-10,0,DRC, along the banks of Kafubu river, de Cauwer, Richard , tree
11885, 2012-7-19,0,South Africa, Nibela lodge (Sobhengu), de Beer Len , tree
11905, 2008-1-24,1,South Africa, Umhlanga Lagoon, Oschadleus HD, tree
11924, 2007-12-17,1,South Africa, Vernon Crookes NR main Rd , Oschadleus HD, tree
11956, 2005-11-15,3,South Africa, Landela farm, Oschadleus HD, tree
11957, 2005-11-16,3,South Africa, Landela farm, Oschadleus HD, tree
11958, 2005-11-17,3,South Africa, Landela farm, Oschadleus HD, tree
11959, 2010-1-6,1,South Africa, Landela farm, Oschadleus HD, tree
12894, 2014-9-3,1,South Africa, Cape Vidal Nature Reserve, Zaloumis, Alex, tree
12895, 2014-9-3,1,South Africa, Cape Vidal Nature Reserve, Zaloumis, Alex, tree
13805, 2005-11-15,0,Nigeria, Obudu Plateau , Leventis, T, tree
13837, 2014-10-12,0,Mozambique, Vamizi island, Palmer, Rob, tree
13839, 2014-10-12,0,Mozambique, Vamizi island, Palmer, Rob, tree
13885, 2014-10-9,1,Congo (DRC), kashobwe, de Cauwer R, tree
13935, 2014-10-31,0,South Africa, Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve, Robinson D.M, tree
13939, 2005-12-13,0,South Africa, Oribi Gorge, Booysen M., tree
14144, 2013-11-3,1,South Africa, Belvedere Farm, False Bay District, Hluhluwe, Tippett Ryan Matthew, tree
14694, 2015-2-10,1,South Africa, Nibela Peninsular, Robinson D.M, tree
14706, 2003-6-5,1,Mozambique, Inhaca Island at Lighthouse, Oschadleus HD, tree
15131, 2015-3-4,1,South Africa, Near hide on the way to Cape Vidal, Robinson D.M, tree
15769, 2015-4-3,0,Malawi, Lake shore cottage and large garden, Brown Gary, tree
15778, 1997-4-0,0,South Africa, Cintsa West, Adam Craig, tree
15779, 1988-1-0,0,South Africa , Kabusi Valley, Adam Craig, tree
16226, 2014-12-26,1,South Africa, Umhlanga Lagoon Nature Reserve, McCutcheon Ian, tree
18158, 2015-7-12,1,Uganda, Semuliki (Semliki) NP, Kirumya Trail, Krochuk Billi, tree
18503, 2015-12-12,1,South Africa, Kuleni Game Park, Tippett Ryan Matthew, tree
18516, 2015-10-3,1,South Africa, False Bay park, western shores of lake st lucia, Richard Gill, tree
18745, 2016-1-28,0,South Africa, Isimangaliso Wetland Park-False Bay Park, Josop Quinton Paul , tree
18793, 2016-2-1,1,South Africa, Viewing site on way to Mission Rocks, Robinson DM, tree
18822, 2016-2-7,1,South Africa, Ntibane Game Ranch, Robinson DM, tree
18863, 2015-10-28,1,South Africa, Tembe Elephant Park, Todd John; Anne Todd, tree
19238, 2016-4-30,0,Kenya, Shimba Hills National Reserve, Cronje Pieter, tree
19719, 2016-1-4,0,South Africa, Mkuze game reserve, de Beer Len ; Zet de Beer, Jemma de Beer, tree
20280, 2016-3-14,0,Mozambique, VIDA project, guest house, Tokura W, tree
21195, 2016-6-4,1,South Africa, iGwalagwala Hiking Trail, Krochuk Billi, other
21196, 2016-6-6,1,South Africa, Amatikulu Nature Reserve -- Tented Camp area, Krochuk Billi, tree
23370, 2016-6-14,1,South Africa, Hluhluwe River Lodge, Tippett Ryan Matthew, tree
24437, 2016-10-13,1,South Africa, False Bay, Isimangaliso Wetland Park, Tippett Ryan Matthew, tree
25861, 2016-12-15,1,South Africa, Dwesa Game Reserve, van der Breggen R, tree
26241, 2004-9-18,1,Kenya, Arabuko-Sokoke forest, Oschadleus HD; Doug Harebottle, tree
26242, 2004-9-26,1,Kenya, Arabuko-Sokoke forest, Oschadleus HD; Doug Harebottle, tree
26464, 2017-8-20,2,South Africa, Umdoni Nature, Gracie Ian, tree
26490, 2017-9-7,0,Mozambique, Gala gala Eco estate, de Beer Len ; Jemma de Beer, tree
26527, 2017-9-22,1,Malawi, Tea Estate, Brown Gary; Dermot Allen, Heather Allen, Fiona Brown, tree
26889, 2017-12-29,0,South Africa, Ndumo Game Reserve, Gracie Ian; Janet Gracie, tree
27275, 2015-10-3,1,South Africa, False Bay National Park, Gill Richard, tree
27312, 2018-4-3,0,South Africa, Shokwe pan oxbow lake, de Beer Len ; Jemma de Beer, Sonja de Beer, Daniel de Beer, tree
28063, 2018-12-1,1,South Africa, Belvedere Game Ranch, Johnstone R, tree
28556, 2018-8-25,0,Zambia, Nsobe, Meyer Chris (CJ), tree
28947, 2019-9-22,2,South Africa, Pigeon Valley150, Aiston G., tree
28964, 2019-9-27,1,South Africa, Everton Conservancy , Aiston G., tree
29295, 2020-1-25,1,South Africa, Ntibane Game ranch, Robinson DM, tree
29381, 2020-7-24,0,South Africa, Lover's Lane, Yearsley Gareth, tree
29750, 2021-1-31,0,South Africa, Cape Vidal - Mission Rocks - into parking , Oschadleus HD, tree
29751, 2021-1-31,1,South Africa, Cape Vidal - Mission Rocks - picnic , Oschadleus HD, tree
29752, 2021-1-31,1,South Africa, Cape Vidal - Mission Rocks - path park to picnic , Oschadleus HD, tree
29753, 2021-1-31,1,South Africa, Loop to kuMfazana hide , Oschadleus HD, tree
29754, 2021-1-31,1,South Africa, kuMfazana hide entr , Oschadleus HD, tree
29756, 2021-1-31,1,South Africa, grassland loop1 , Oschadleus HD, tree
29757, 2021-1-31,1,South Africa, grassland loop2 , Oschadleus HD, tree
29957, 2021-4-26,0,South Africa, Forest walk between Umdloti and Umhlanga, Cronje Pieter,
29963, 2021-4-29,0,South Africa, Forest walk Sibaya, Cronje Pieter,
30064, 2021-8-4,1,South Africa, Kosi Forest Lodge, Cronje Pieter, tree
30065, 2021-8-4,1,South Africa, Kosi Forest Lodge, Cronje Pieter, tree
30408, 2021-12-12,1,South Africa, Mseni Lodge, Cronje Pieter, tree
30409, 2021-12-12,1,South Africa, Coral Divers, Cronje Pieter, tree
30419, 2021-12-13,1,South Africa, Buccaneers Backpackers, Ellmore F, tree
30908, 2022-9-18,0,South Africa, Umdoni Environmental Centre, Steen L.,
31021, 2023-3-28,1,South Africa, Oribi Gorge NR, Steen L., tree
100260, 1965-8-11,0,Angola, R. Maumbi, D. Mumputo, tree

All PHOWN news items relating to this species

The headers below refer to Weaver News items featuring PHOWN and this species. Click on a header to see the News item, which includes the full news item. (The number in brackets is the date that the news item appeared on Weaver Watch).

Weaver Wednesday 3 [242] - Range changes [5]: Dark-backed Weaver (2017-02-01)
Weaver Wednesday [144] - Discovery [27]: Dark-backed Weaver (2015-03-18)
Weaver Wednesday [35]: Dark-backed Weaver (2013-02-13)