Donate to weaver research
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Weaver research
Weaver research at the Animal Demography Unit (ADU) of the University of Cape Town (UCT), is global in coverage, although most weaver species occur in sub-Saharan Africa. The largest project relating to weaver research at the ADU is PHOWN (Photos of Weaver Nests), a citizen science project aimed at monitoring breeding distribution of weavers and how colony sizes vary. Other research activities include the following:- maintaining a bibliography of weaver references
- SESAW (Survival Estimates in Southern African Weavers)
- Sociable Weaver demography
- writing an identification, ageing and sexing guide for South African weavers
UCT funding priorities
The ADU is recognized as one of the "earth stewardship" funding priorities of the University of Cape Town – the UCT website says: "Now in its 20th year, the ADU started out as a project-oriented group. It has maintained and expanded this focus on citizen scientists, encouraging them to become ambassadors for biodiversity. The unit is fast becoming the leading centre of research expertise in Statistical Ecology in Africa, with 22 doctoral students since 2002. This impressive track record now poses a further challenge of maintaining the ADU's momentum through building an early warning system to monitor biodiversity trends in both space and time."Donate
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