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Black-necked Weaver Ploceus nigricollis

(species text)

PHOWN priorities: none yet

Most recent PHOWN record for this species (recent thumbnails and full species listing at end of this web page):

Vm 27617

No of records in PHOWN for this species: 10

Colony size

Colony size for this species in PHOWN (min - mean - max, sample size) and published data:
PHOWN Handbook of the Birds of the World, Vol. 15
1 - 4.5 - 12 (n=6)Old reports of colonial nesting in W Africa, and colonies of up to six nests noted in Liberia, also group of 30 nests in oil palms in Gabon (nesting on fringes of mixed colonies of P. cucullatus and P. nigerrimus may account for some of these observations), and two pairs in Gabon nested within 5 m of each other; elsewhere a solitary nester, or, where several nests present only one occupied (single male may build up to four nests at a site)
Compare colony sizes of different weaver species with this species here.

Nest site

Type of nest site for this species in PHOWN:
other - 1
tree - 9

Breeding seasonality

PHOWN Records per month for this species


Handbook of the Birds of the World, Vol. 15
Jul-Nov in Senegambia, Sept-Oct in Liberia, Jan-Mar in Ghana, Jul in Burkina Faso, Jun-Sept in Nigeria, mainly Mar-Apr and Aug-Sept in Cameroon, in most months except main dry season (most breeding Nov-Apr) in Gabon, Nov in PRCongo; in DRCongo, Feb-Mar and Jun-Oct in Kivu, Mar-Oct in NE and Nov-Dec in Itombwe; in most months (peaks Apr-May and Sept) in Uganda, Jan-Jul (mainly Mar-May) in Kenya, and Sept-Oct and Jan in Rwanda

Figure above right: breeding seasonality shown as records per month (if available), where months are numbered from January where January=1 etc.
The records are grouped into 6 regions: Safr=southern Africa, Cafr=central Africa, Wafr=western Africa, Eafr=eastern Africa, Asia=southern Asia, IO=Indian Ocean islands
Read more about these figures here.

Breeding distribution

Google map of records for this species (you may need to zoom out to see all records)

Google map showing distribution and PHOWN records for the weaver species.
Yellow areas show distribution of the species; for species with small ranges you need to zoom in at the correct area to see the range. Read more about these maps here.
PHOWN pin colours show Nest site type:
- Reed
- Tree
- Man-made
- Other
- Nest Record Cards
CLICK on the marker on the map to see individual record details.

Published breeding information

Breeding information based on Handbook of the Birds of the World, Vol. 15.

Monogamous, probably with long-term pair-bond; occasionally polygynous, e.g. at two sites in Kenya male acquired two females
Jul-Nov in Senegambia, Sept-Oct in Liberia, Jan-Mar in Ghana, Jul in Burkina Faso, Jun-Sept in Nigeria, mainly Mar-Apr and Aug-Sept in Cameroon, in most months except main dry season (most breeding Nov-Apr) in Gabon, Nov in PRCongo; in DRCongo, Feb-Mar and Jun-Oct in Kivu, Mar-Oct in NE and Nov-Dec in Itombwe; in most months (peaks Apr-May and Sept) in Uganda, Jan-Jul (mainly Mar-May) in Kenya, and Sept-Oct and Jan in Rwanda
suspended from tree in savanna steppe or attached to elephant grass in E Africa, in W Africa up to 2 m above ground in low tree, even in villages in Cameroon; on Bioko, in oil palm close to nest of the wasp Polibioides tabida
built by male, female sometimes contributing
Old reports of colonial nesting in W Africa, and colonies of up to six nests noted in Liberia, also group of 30 nests in oil palms in Gabon (nesting on fringes of mixed colonies of P. cucullatus and P. nigerrimus may account for some of these observations), and two pairs in Gabon nested within 5 m of each other; elsewhere a solitary nester, or, where several nests present only one occupied (single male may build up to four nests at a site)
usually 2 eggs
blue to whitish with fine red speckles
average size of 29 eggs 21 x 14 mm (Cameroon)
incubation at one nest reported as done by both male and female, at another by female only; no information on duration of incubation period
chicks fed by both sexes; no information on duration of nestling period

Thumb-nails of most recent PHOWN records

Click on one to see its full record

Vm 27617

Vm 26338

Vm 17868

Vm 17610

Vm 16863

Vm 15774

Vm 11861

Vm 11499

Vm 7289

Vm 5070

List of all PHOWN records for this species

Click on one to see its full record
5070, 2013-1-20,0,Sierra Leone, Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, Cronje Pieter, tree
7289, 2007-10-29,12,Cameroon, Batoke beach, Monnoyeur Gilles, tree
11499, 2014-5-15,4,Tanzania, Engutukoiti, Eggert Ron; David Peterson, tree
11861, 2014-6-14,5,Kenya, Olorgesailie Heritage Site, National Museums of Kenya, Wangui Esther, tree
15774, 1992-10-0,0,Kenya, Samburu National Reserve, Adam Craig, tree
16863, 2015-5-9,0,Tanzania, Seronera visitors site in the Serengeti , Gibbs D, other
17610, 2015-6-22,1,Rwanda, Isumo Trail, Nyungwe Forest National Park, Krochuk Billi, tree
17868, 2015-9-27,4,Kenya, Moi National Sport Centre, Kaserani, Cronje Pieter, tree
26338, 2017-7-11,1,Uganda, Botanic Gardens, Oschadleus HD, tree
27617, 2018-7-7,0,Nigeria, Bunza, Ringim Abubakar Surajo, tree

All PHOWN news items relating to this species

The headers below refer to Weaver News items featuring PHOWN and this species. Click on a header to see the News item, which includes the full news item. (The number in brackets is the date that the news item appeared on Weaver Watch).

Weaver Wednesday [142] - Discovery [25]: Black-necked Weaver (2015-03-04)
Weaver Wednesday [65]: Black-necked Weaver (2013-09-11)