Taking part in PHOWN - help menu

  1. What you need and registration
  2. Counting weaver colonies
  3. Resizing photos
  4. Obtaining correct coordinates
  5. Uploading photos and data
  6. Upload problems
  7. Viewing accepted records
  8. Corrections and coordinates
  9. Repeat counts
  10. Video PHOWN


You can link your videos of weaver colonies to PHOWN! Here is how:
  1. Upload your video to YouTube.
    Follow the instructions on YouTube to create your account (if you do not have one yet) and to upload your video clip.
  2. Upload a PHOWN record that matches the colony and date of your video clip - read instructions here.
    In the Notes section of your PHOWN upload, include a link to your video on YouTube (or email it if you forgot to include it).
  3. If you have video clips of weaver colonies already, you can submit a PHOWN record if you know the date and coordinates.

    Once your PHOWN record has been accepted and your video clip checked, you will be able to view them both here.