Taking part in PHOWN - help menu

  1. What you need and registration
  2. Counting weaver colonies
  3. Resizing photos
  4. Obtaining correct coordinates
  5. Uploading photos and data
  6. Upload problems
  7. Viewing accepted records
  8. Corrections and coordinates
  9. Repeat counts
  10. Video PHOWN

Viewing accepted records

  1. View on ADU Virtual Museums
    you do not need to be registered to view records Click on the Project (eg Photos of Weaver Nests), and then in the menu on the left you can select "Search VM".
    In the Search form, you can select the "Search" button to see all photos, or scroll down to the "Search by English name:" button.
    In the menu on the left, click "Species maps" to see the distribution of colonies in South Africa.

    there are different search options - you can search on:
    locality - this will depend on the locality words used by the participants
    a wide variety of other search options Limitations: the site does not show the number of nests it does not map records beyond South Africa although the photos can still be viewed
  2. View on Weaver Watch
    you do not need to be registered to view records
    there are different search options - you can search on:
    locality - this will depend on the locality words used by the participants
    a wide variety of other search options Advantages: the site does show the number of nests it does map records beyond South Africa it provides additional information on breeding of weavers