Weaver news

PHOWN firsts from Ghana

2011-08-02 (131)

The first PHOWN records from Ghana have been submitted, see here. The three records were submitted by Arnia van Vuuren and Sean Swarts. One record is a Vieillot's Black Weaver, which is also the first record of race castaneofuscus. In this West African race the male is black and chestnut in contrast to the all black (male) nominate race in Central and East Africa - see all PHOWN records for this species here.

The second record from Ghana is of a Village Weaver, the first record of the nominate race. Most records for this species are of the outhern race spilonotus - see all PHOWN records for this species here.

The third record from Ghana is the first PHOWN record of any malimbe, namely a Blue-billed Malimbe. The submitted photo shows an adult and brownish juvenile with two untidy nests (mostly obscured by leaves).

These records were submitted this week, although the photos were taken in 2010 before the participants knew about PHOWN. If you have old records with photos, date and coordinates you can submit these to PHOWN.

Photo: Vieillot's Black Weaver (A van Vuuren)