Taking part in PHOWN - help menu

  1. What you need and registration
  2. Counting weaver colonies
  3. Resizing photos
  4. Obtaining correct coordinates
  5. Uploading photos and data
  6. Upload problems
  7. Viewing accepted records
  8. Corrections and coordinates
  9. Repeat counts
  10. Video PHOWN

What you need and registration

What you need to get started: In the field

  1. A digital camera
    even a cell phone camera can work
    if you have prints or slides you will need to scan them before submitting

  2. A GPS
    in urban areas you will probably be able to use the google map on the Virtual Museum (VM) upload page and zoom right in to pinpoint your colony
    if you have a gps on your cell phone it may work - ensure that it can provide coordinates (and not only show where you are)

  3. A notebook
    to record the details: date, locality, weaver species, nest count, nest site, other colony notes

What you need to get started: In the office or at home

  1. A photo program
    to reduce the size of the photos
    Microsoft Office Picture Manager works well, as do many other programs (see Uploading photos and data)

  2. An internet connection
    to Upload your photos and colony details on the VM site

  3. Get registered on the VM site
    to Upload photos you need to register as an ADU participant to prevent spam being uploaded
    if you are already an ADU participant, then we have your contact details, but you will need to request a password
    see more details below
    Note: you can view records without being registered

Register as a Virtual Museum participant

  1. If you have not taken part in any ADU projects:
    Go to the Virtual Museum site
    click on "Registration" on the left hand side menu
    Fill in the required (and possibly optional) contact details
    A password will be sent to your email
    Use your email and password to login

  2. If you are registered at the ADU as a ringer or atlaser but do not have a password
    go here
    enter your email
    enter your ADU number
    enter a password
    enter your password again
    click outside the passord box
    hit the 'Send' button

  3. Change your password
    you can use the above method to obtain a nw passord, or:
    once a random password has been sent to you, you can use it to login to the VM site
    you can change your password to something you will remember as follows:
    Go to the Virtual Museum site
    click on "LOGIN" on the left hand side menu
    under the login box is an option to change your password - click on this
    enter your email, old password (that was sent to you), and new password

Once you have done the LOGIN, the left hand side menu gets longer, and you can do "Data upload".

Your LOGIN email and password are the same for any ADU projects you want to take part in.