Taking part in PHOWN - help menu

  1. What you need and registration
  2. Counting weaver colonies
  3. Resizing photos
  4. Obtaining correct coordinates
  5. Uploading photos and data
  6. Upload problems
  7. Viewing accepted records
  8. Corrections and coordinates
  9. Repeat counts
  10. Video PHOWN

Resizing photos

Before uploading, you need to prepare your photos on your computer.

If you want to crop a photo, do so before you resize it.

You can use Microsoft Office Picture Manager to crop and resize photos. There are many other programs that will also work. If you do not have Microsoft you can download one of the following: IrfanView (for Windows), or GIMP (for Windows and Linux).

If you have not used Microsoft Office Picture Manager before, read on:

  1. Copy your photos to the desktop or a temporary folder (so that you can keep your originals at high resolution).
  2. Right click on one of the photos and choose "Open with" and then choose Picture Manager to open the photo.
  3. In the top menu, choose "View" and then "Thumbnails" - you can now see all the photos in your subfolder
  4. Double click on the first photo you want to crop (or skip this step) - in the top menu, choose "Picture" and then "Crop"
    In the menu on the right you can select the Aspect ratio as 4x6 to keep the shape of a landscape photo constant, or skip this step
    You can now move the markers around the photo to crop
    Repeat for any other photos that you want to crop, or go to the next step
  5. In the top menu, choose "View" and then "Thumbnails" - to see all the photos again
  6. In the top menu, choose "Edit" and then "Select all" - this selects all the photos
  7. In the top menu, choose "Picture" and then "Resize"
  8. In the menu on the right, choose "Predefined width x height"
    (you can also choose "Document Small 800 x 600 but any smaller options will be too small)
    Click "OK" at the bottom of the menu on the right
  9. In the top menu, choose "File" and then "Save"

There are lots of shortcuts and other ways of doing the above steps!