Weaver news

Eggs of Angolan weavers

2012-07-15 (240)

In June 2008 a team spent two weeks in Lubango, Angolo, cataloguing the bird collection at Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação there - see trip report here (see also report by Michael Mills, Birds Angola, here). At the time I also photographed the egg collection of weavers in the museum. The collection consisted of 145 records, having a card with details for each clutch. There are 18 weaver species represented in the egg collection. The details on the cards were recently computerised by Linah Maqashu and the card text in Portuguese has been translated. These records have been added to PHOWN.

The Portuguese headers included on the cards are:
Ser. no - the card number (individual eggs were numbered separately)
Sp - scientific species name
Loc - locality, sometimes including province
Colec - the collector
Data - date
No. de Ovos - clutch size
Incubacao - incubation state, some common categories are: early, fresh, rotten
Identificacao - species identification, eg seen, known, doubtful
Ninho - nest, ie notes about the nest site
Obs - observations, or additional notes
Most coordinates for the localities were provided by Richard Dean (a few were found on google maps). Coordinates must be considered as approximate.

Three species appear in PHOWN for the first time: Long-tailed Widowbird (photo above), Black-winged Bishop, and Fan-tailed Widowbird.

There are currently 154 PHOWN records from Angola. This includes some photographic records of weaver nests from our trip to Lubango Museum in 2008. The PHOWN summary page for Angola shows records per species, a map, thumbnails of the most recent photographic records, and a list of all records. Click on a map marker, or thumbnail, or phown number to see details of a particular record. On a record page, click on Large photos to see the details on the card image.
See a summary of PHOWN records for Angola here.