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News items relating to this species
Latest news item:Weaver Wednesday [120] - Discovery [3]: Yellow-backed Weaver2014-10-01 (576)Weaver Wednesday (species text)
Yellow-backed Weaver Ploceus melanocephalusIntroductionLinnaeus based this species description on the publication of Eleazar Albin. Albin based his illustration and text of this species on birds in the aviary of Grace the Duke of Chandos, James Brydges.Albin, an English naturalist and water-colour illustrator, included a short text and copper plate engraving illustrations in his book "A natural history of birds", and Vol 3 contained the Yellow-backed Weaver. Albin called the bird Gamboa Groasbeak. Linnaeus listed the type locality as Gvinea, based on Albin's locality of Gamboa on the coast of Guinea. There is a Gamboa in Angola, but Albin's locality probably refers to Gambia rather than Guinea. Scientific citationLoxia melanocephala Linnaeus 1758 Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p.175 GuineaMeaning of namesmelanocephala (Greek) Melas, black; -kephalos, headedAlternate namesBlack-headed Weaver, Yellow-collared WeaverCollectorUnknown, sent to the Duke of Chandos in England.Date collectedBefore 1735, when Albin painted the bird (date on painting: 9 Sept 1735).Locality collectedProbably Gambia.Type specimensNo type specimens known to survive, but the painting of Albin serves as a type. |
All news items relating to this species
The headers below refer to Weaver News items featuring this species. Click on a header to see the News item, which includes the full news item. (The number in brackets is the date that the news item appeared on Weaver Watch).
Weaver Wednesday [120] - Discovery [3]: Yellow-backed Weaver (2014-10-01)
Weaver Wednesday [107]: Yellow-backed Weaver (2014-07-02)
PAPER: Impact of introduced Yellow-backed Weavers (2014-01-06)
PAPER: Haemoparasites in exotic wetland passerines (2012-10-01)
Black-headed (Yellow-backed) Weaver in Cape Town (2011-09-12)