Weaver news

PAPER: Ploceus cucullatus nigriceps ringed in South Africa

2010-10-15 (82)

Brooks A. 2010. Surprise Village Weaver. Afring News online 39:7-8

There is a new article for Afring News online by Alan Brooks, describing the ringing of a Village Weaver of a race not normally found in South Africa. Southern African birders are familiar with the yellow forehead of male Village Weavers in breeding plumage (race P. c. spilonotus) but race P. c. nigriceps has a black forehead and crown and is found in Zimbabwe, northern Botswana, Caprivi and northwards to Kenya. Although there are a few sightings of nigriceps in South Africa, this seems to be the first time that this subspecies has been ringed in South Africa.

Read the article here
Photo: A Brooks.

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