There are 8 subspecies of the Baglafecht Weaver, which differ mainly in the colour of the male head and upperparts, and also in the existence or absence of seasonal plumage changes. Females and juveniles differ from the males.
Head of male
ID notes
Seasonal plumage
crown yellow, nape olive
Br + NBr
crown yellow, nape olive
brighter green upperparts than nominate, paler yellow forehead, more clearly defined white area on belly
Br + NBr
crown yellow, nape olive
smaller than nominate, lower breast to undertail-coverts white
Br + NBr
crown yellow, nape black
male breeding has back black, some mantle and back feathers
with greyish or greenish edges, grey rump, golden-yellow chin
and breast, white belly to undertail-coverts, female breeding
has black forehead and crown
Br + NBr
crown yellow, nape black
male has yellow behind ear-coverts (leaving black patch
around eye), female has black crown and forehead continuous
with face mask, both have nape and upperparts black, some
yellow flecking on rump, iris creamy white to yellow
no change
crown black, nape black
black head blends into face mask, female has duller cap, both have nape and upperparts yellowish-green, underparts ochre-yellow
no change
crown black, nape black
breeding male has greener upperparts and paler yellow underparts than stuhlmanni
no change
crown black, nape black
flanks, thighs, belly and undertail-coverts greyish
Br + NBr
Br + NBr = breeding + non-breeding plumage
Links to species texts for the Baglafecht Weaver:
Baglafecht WeaverPloceus baglafecht