Weaver news

Oldest Southern Red Bishop

2016-07-05 (730)

Southern Red Bishop
Female Southern Red Bishop
On 25 February 2016 Peter Dearlove ringed 16 birds at the Dundee Sewage Works, including two Southern Red Bishop retraps. One of these was an adult female (ring FA05661). I had ringed this bishop a few kms away, at the Dundee Quarry, as a recently fledged juvenile, in 2000. The elapsed time was 15 years 2 months 10 days.

The previous longevity record for this species was 13 years 6 months 4 days (ring F65391)

Only two other weaver species have longevity records of over 15 years in the wild, Sociable Weaver and Southern Masked Weaver. See these weaver longevity records here.