Weaver news

PHOtos of Weaver Nests in Asia

2016-06-09 (724)

Mosaic of PHOWN records in southern Asia

PHOWN (PHOtos of Weaver Nests) is a Virtual Museum, citizen science project of the Animal Demography Unit, to collect and monitor breeding distributions and colony sizes of weaver birds globally. As of 9 June 2016, there are 26 PHOWN records of Asian weavers, and 18 with colony size information. The statistics of colony sizes from PHOWN are as follows:

Species Min Mean Max n
Asian Golden Weaver 14 17.7 23 3
Baya Weaver 3 14.4 70 15

Many more records are needed to obtain better data on current breeding ranges, nest sites, and colony sizes of the Asian weavers. Please consider taking part in PHOWN - To take part, register and upload records at Virtual Museum (read the "How to" pdf for help).