Weaver news

Trip to the Upper Karoo, 24 May-6 June 2014

2014-06-10 (525)

phown 11322 ReptileMAP 150980 OdonataMAP 10433 FrogMAP 2221 SpiderMAP 1974 ScorpionMAP 534 LepiMAP 47954 MammalMAP 10219 ViTH 3355 BirdPix 8267

This trip was under-taken to survey Sociable Weaver nests in the Northern Cape and other species using their nests, by Barry and Sue Schultz and myself. At the same time Virtual Museum records were collected for all but two projects (Birds with Odd Plumages, and Atlas of African Echinoderma) - submit any project photos you have at Virtual Museum upload site.

The planned survey area was farms and untarred roads in the area bounded by Williston, Carnarvon, and slightly north of Vanwyksvlei and Brandvlei. A punctured tire, however, meant a trip to Upington and resulted in continuing the survey in that area.
More news to follow when all the Sociable Weaver records have been uploaded!

Thanks to the great hospitality of the farmers who hosted us!

The University of Turku, Finland via Robert Thomson provided most of the funding for the project. Equipment was funded by a PERC Research Development Grant (Project for the Enhancement of Research Capacity, UCT).

The last morning was the coldest, with frost and ice