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Covas R, Huyser O, Doutrelant C. 2004. Pygmy Falcon predation of nestlings of their obligate host, the Sociable Weaver. Ostrich 75:325-326. The Pygmy Falcon Polihierax semitorquatus is a small, raptor which does not build its own nest. In southern Africa it is dependent on the communal nest masses of Sociable Weavers Philetairus socius to breed and roost in. This falcon usually feeds on small reptiles, large insects and only occasionally on small birds and rodents. There are very few reports of Pygmy Falcons preying on Sociable Weaver nestlings, and these authors report some new records. A falcon pair was observed at Benfontein Game farm near Kimberley.
Recently Jacky Spiby photographed a Pygmy Falcon feeding on a Sociable Weaver nestling at Benfontein, and submitted a PHOWN record.
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