Weaver news
Indian Mynas are known to associate with human habitation, but their adaptability seems to be leading them to breed in weaver nests away from urban areas. There is a PHOWN (PHOtos of Weaver Nests) record of Indian Mynas trying to take over a White-browed Sparrow-Weaver nest - see photo and details by Tony Archer here. Banie Penzhorn recorded Indian Mynas taking nest material to Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver nest in a tree in Sunset Dam near Lower Sabie, to try and nest inside a chamber (Laniarius 121:42, 2012). Lesser Masked Weavers build their nests on the buffalo weaver nests. This well known colony has several PHOWN records (eg PHOWN 7090), although the observers did not notice the mynas. A request to the Sabirdnet listserver yesterday resulted in the following replies: