Weaver news
This weekend the first PHOWN records were submitted for Cameroon. Gilles Monnoyeur submitted 11 records of 4 weaver species. Of particular interest is that in several cases Black Kites were nesting in the same tree as the weavers. For instance, PHOWN 7284 had a large kite nestling (click on Large under the photo on this web). Also of interest is that a mixed colony of Vieillot's Black Weavers (PHOWN 7279) and Village Weavers (PHOWN 7280) has been in the same spot since 1978. Gilles also submitted some records of the Sakalava Weaver from Madagascar. See all Gilles' records here. PHOWN, PHOtos of Weaver Nests, is a Virtual Museum, citizen science project of the Animal Demography Unit, to collect and monitor breeding distributions and colony sizes of weaver birds globally. To take part, register and upload records at Virtual Museum (read the "How to" pdf for help). |