Weaver news

PAPER: Sociable Weaver nest used by Verreaux's Eagle

2013-10-14 (431)

Visagie R. 2013. Verreaux's Eagles Aquila verreauxii breeding on Sociable Weaver Philetairus socius nest in Northern Cape, South Africa. Gabar 24(1):42-43.

phown 3048

Summary. This short note describes the first record of a Verreaux's Eagle nest on top of a Sociable Weaver nest. The Sociable Weaver nest is on a telephone pole in the Northern Cape. There was a nestling in the nest in July 2012 but when it left the nest it was hit by a car 2 km away.

Note: A PHOWN record was submitted, see PHOWN 3048. In July 2013 a nestling was again present and a new PHOWN record was submitted, see PHOWN 6861. (The coordinates are not provided in the PHOWN map).
A variety of raptors have been recorded as nesting on top of Sociable Weaver nests, including Tawny Eagle, Martial Eagle, and Eagle-Owls.

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