Weaver news

First PHOWN records from Nigeria

2012-06-19 (228)

Nigeria is the 22nd country to have PHOWN records. Pieter Cronje submitted two Village Weaver records from Abuja, Nigeria. Village Weavers are one of the most widespread weaver species, although there are substantial plumage differences in different subspecies. The photo (right) taken by Pieter at the Sheraton Hotel in Abuja, shows the nominate race. To see both Nigerian records, see here.

Click on a map marker or thumb-nail to see details of individual records, or click on the species name to see a species summary.

All PHOWN records are valuable, but Village Weaver colonies (with nest counts) are particularly valuable to help answer the question: "Are Village Weaver colony sizes larger or smaller closer to the equator?" More data is needed, especially near the tropics, but to see a running average, see here!