Weaver news

Launch of WRAP (Weaver Research in Africa Project)

2012-01-30 (182)

Les Underhill, director of the ADU, was awarded a PERC grant from the University of Cape Town. The grant is to "Expand Weaver Research in Africa" via WRAP (Weaver Research in Africa Project).

The first event is the launch of WRAP.
Date: 16 February 2012, 15h00
Robert Morrell, PERC
Les Underhill - Why weavers?
Dieter Oschadleus - Dial in to PHOWN

RSVP to Dieter Oschadleus by 8 Feb

An important way to expand the network of weaver research in Africa is by expanding the PHOWN participation network. Three particular studies of interest are:

  • Colony sizes of Thick-billed Weavers: core vs expanding range.
  • Comparison of colony sizes of Southern Masked Weavers in arid and mesic regions.
  • Variation in colony sizes of Yellow Weaver and Village Weaver in Africa.
Anyone can contribute valuable information by submitting PHOWN records for these (and any other) species. For more details on these PHOWN priorities, see here.