Birdpix species summary

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Bertram's Weaver Ploceus bertrandi

Most recent Birdpix record for this species (all thumbnails at end of this web page):

Vm 0

No of records in Birdpix for this species: 1


Google map of records for this species (you may need to zoom out to see all records)

Yellow areas show distribution of the species (based mainly on Handbook of Birds of the World, Vol. 15 - only a few are available so far

Thumb-nails of most recent Birdpix records

Click on one to see its full record

List of all Birdpix records for this species

Click on one to see its full record
199596, Malawi, Zomba Platue, Booysen M.

All Birdpix news items relating to this species

The headers below refer to Weaver News items featuring PHOWN and this species. Click on a header to see the News item, which includes the full news item. (The number in brackets is the date that the news item appeared on Weaver Watch).